Tuesday, October 20, 2009

kl trip 09.10.09 - 11.10.09

this sem break went kl with debbie and her bf(eason).
we meet seet hoong usual..

we took 10.30am bus, reached kl around 12.50pm,
traffic jam u see...haiz...
seet hoong n jia wen fetched us from pudu to tune hotel,
then waited for the time to checked in..(2pm)
so we waited for 20 minutes,
after debbie n eason checked in..
off we go to sunway pyramid..which took us 1 and a half hour....
traffic jam again...dunno y friday oso like this...

eventually, we had our lunch at 4pm...=.=
jia wen brought us to Ole-Ole Bali to had lunch..
is an indonesian style restaurant..(shld i call it restaurant??)

we were the oni customer..
cz is 4pm...haha...

the decorations...
(suppose is ole-ole bali, typing error...haha...)

the FOOD!!!! damn nice....
me n seet hoong ordered 1 set,
Ole-Ole nasi it?? forgot...
1 person kenot finish, so we shared shared...
debbie n eason other another set n salad..
n jia wen ordered spaghetti..
(more details can rad from debbie's blog)
after lunch, we start our shopping...
but i din buy anything...
cz i din plan to buy anything when i 1st came up..hehe...
so just window shopping...
around 8.00pm, me n seet hoong went Bubba Gump to hv dinner..
acutally hvn hungry, but i like this restaurant very much,
wanted to go in since last time came up kl... the movie, tat's y love this restaurant...haha...
the movie called " Forest Gump"

the table.

stop forrest stop, means ask the waiter to stop at ur table,
n gv u services...haha..
run forrest run, means the waiter wont stop at ur table,
they'll just pass by...
i like to flip fun..

this is their deco, very old american style...all wood..
will visit it again...hehe...

this is wat me n seet hoong ordered,
we shared oso, cz is alot n we still not very hungry...
this is seafood cheese rice....
very very very nice!!!!!!
the cheese melts in ur mouth..hehe...
n we odered ice lemon tea, which can be refilled..hehe..
debbie n eason came at 8.45pm n odered the same dishes too..haha..
after dinner, we went back home ,
cz seet hoong must be back at home b4 10pm..

next day morning, 9.30am we reached midvalley,
wanted to hv breakfast at dragon-i, oni open at 11am...
so we waited at the hotel lobby,
and walked round mv..haha..
11am, we entered dragaon-i..hehe..
as usual, we ordered 'xiu long bao' 2 sets..
then i ordered black pepper fried lamen,(sounds weird)
seet hoong odered fried rice with chicken chop...
debbie n eason odered soup lamen and carrot cake n dunno called wat..haha...
after our brunch, debbie n eason walk on their own,
me n seet hoong went Isetan..hehe..
cz got member sales...(seet hoong is member)
i bought a short pant cost ONLY rm27.00..
y i say oni?? cz it actually cost rtm 89.90, hush puppies 1, offered 70%..hehe...
and bought a normal shirt
and 2 sliver pendant..each cost rm11.90 n rm20
tat's the oni things i bought during this trip...haha..
around 4pm, we already tired,
so seet hoong brought us to taiwan restaurant called Fong Lye
can see the picture below..

figuring out wat to oder...
i always slow in making decision,
n make oder, always depends on other ppl...haha...
finally i've decide myself...hohoho....

the orange color 1 is fried sweet potato..taste nice...
but oily..haha...n we odered “台湾创冰”
1 is red bean flavour, 1 is mixed flavour..
the ice cream on top is nice, got peanut inside...hehe...

every1 like this pic, i mean 3 of us,
so purposely put it bigger,haha....

love the design, last time dun hv chance to snap finally got it...haha...

guess wat, we meet 许志安 at The Garden, he wore a hat and walked with his assistances..haha, nvm expect will see a superstar thr...hehe...

then around 7pm, we went back home,while debbie n eason when Jogoya to hv their supper..


hv our breakfast near seet hoong housing area..

1st time ate 'yu tou mihun', taste not bad, but i not very very like it..haha..dunno y..

after breakfast it was oni 11am, our bus is 1.30pm,
we hv no place to go, so seet hoong brought us to playground..haha..
n we were acting like kids....

miss those days when we were still kids...

tat's all for my kl trip,finally i've finish post it, has been delay for 1 week...haha..